2 months into project

How We Helped a Branding & Design Agency Add $90,000 Worth of New Business in 2 Months

Studio Morfar is a branding & design agency specialized in offbeat branding for tech startups. We set up cold email and LinkedIn outreach systems to help them connect with top-tier clients and grow the business predictably in a value-driven & friendly way.

Industry: Agency (Branding)

Country: Denmark

Target Audience: Tech Startups

Company Size: 1-10

Industry: Agency (Branding)

Country: Denmark

Target Audience: Tech Startups

Company Size: 1-10

About Studio Morfar

Studio Morfar is a global agency focused on creative and growth for unconventional ideas. The team has worked with some of the top tech startups and VC firms in the world to help put offbeat startups on the map.

Client Challenges

When they reached out to us, Torsten, the founder needed a way to extend his existing network in the startup world in an ethical and enjoyable way. He had considered other lead generation options, but found that most are spammy and don’t agree with the ethos and values of Studio Morfar.

He was looking for a solution where the main focus would be on building relationships beyond his existing network in a way that was friendly and professional and enabled to position Studio Morfar as a high-calibre provider of branding, design and growth services for offbeat startup ideas.

Our Solution

To achieve these results, we decided that LinkedIn was the superior channel on which to focus on, because startup founders & investors are very active on the platform, and it enables building relationships with people unlike cold email which can be a lot more transactional. To achieve Torsten’s vision, we took Studio Morfar through 4 steps:

1. We Helped Studio Morfar Differentiate through our NPOT Methodology™

Our NPOT Methodology™ involves gaining clarity on the 4 key elements of any agency’s business model. Here’s what they are:

  • Niche – WHO do you want to help?
  • Problem – WHY can’t they achieve their dream outcome?
  • Offer – HOW do you get them past the problem to the transformation?
  • Transformation – WHAT is their dream outcome?

We took Torsten through all 4 steps using our worksheets and questionnaires to ensure we could articulate his vision for the company through both our messaging and in selecting the leads we would be targeting for him.

2. We Created a Powerful LinkedIn & Email Outreach Sequence Based on Building Relationships Rather Than Pitching

Using the differentiation we helped him create through the NPOT Methodology™, our team of pro copywriters created a sequence aimed at starting & building relationships based on trust.

The key here were several tactics that we used:

  • Instead of asking for a sales call, we encouraged Torsten to network with his ideal target audience, and invite them on a 15-minute virtual coffee chat.
  • Instead of selling aggressively, we relied on social proof in the form of a published article about Studio Morfar in Design Week and past success stories of startups who have worked with Torsten’s agency to create intrigue.
  • We clearly articulated Torsten’s vision and NPOT Model, which made it instantly clear that he was THE #1 choice for startups with unconventional ideas that needed offbeat branding.
  • By making clear who the target audience is NOT (those who want more conventional branding), we created a message that stood out.

All of this blended really well with Torsten’s brand – a non-aggressive approach based on proving your value, instead of trying to aggressively sell. The sequence took 3 business days to complete.

3. We Built Hand-Picked & Quality Scored Contact Lists

Since Sales Navigator usually serves leads that aren’t a good match for your targeting on pages 5+, we had to design a solution that gathered startup data from 8+ different sources, and then combined them through quality scoring.

What we mean by quality scoring is that we assign factors, for example “Location = London” a factor of 2, and location outside of London a factor of 1. This takes into account for example that London-based startups are likely to be better funded than startups outside of London.

We do the same for all other search criteria, and then add up the scores to produce a global quality score for the lead. We are able to then sort through the data in a scientific way and order the list from the best leads to the worst. Then someone from our team would manually check the lists and eliminate anyone who wasn’t a fit.

As a result, we produced 97%+ quality leads for Torsten – people who were looking to connect with companies like his. If we had relied just on Sales Navigator data, we would have ended up with 30% or less quality leads.

4. We started Outreach & Began Optimizing

With this list, we started outreach. 

On LinkedIn we noticed that people were very enthusiastic about connecting with Torsten, whereas people were a lot more negative on email. This led to quickly putting an end to cold email as an outreach channel and focusing 100% on LinkedIn.

We fed back into the system the people who accepted connections, who booked calls, and who became customers to further improve the targeting. 

As a result, targeting started to quickly improve over time, to the point that Torsten was getting 10-20 new conversations with his ideal clients started on autopilot for him every single day.

As he said himself in the video testimonial above, he struggled to keep up

5. We Provided Our Comprehensive Selling Through Conversation™ Framework & a 2-Step Sales Process

But getting conversations on autopilot still wasn’t enough. We also needed to help Torsten book meetings and close sales.

We shared with Torsten our Selling Through Conversation™ Framework to teach a VA to book meetings from the conversations we started for him.

And we gave him access to scripts and templates, as well as comprehensive sales training to enable him to move prospects down the pipeline.

Project Results

As a result of our work, Torsten was quickly able to build $90,000 worth of new business in just the first 2 months of working with us. 15 prospects ended up requesting customized projects, 8 requested to see a quote, and 3 actually became clients.

The biggest success came not just in the form of results, but because we managed to design a system that fit the ethical requirements that Studio Morfar was looking for in any outreach that would be done on their behalf. This is extremely important, because you don’t just want results – you want results that are delivered the way you want them to be.

The project was such a success that Torsten has extended his collaboration with us far beyond the initial 2 months and introduced us to many other potential prospects, something that we are very grateful for!

"I was a bit overwhelmed with how well it went, and it's it's super exciting. It does take a big weight off my shoulders knowing we have a system we can use to reliably produce new business. My one regret is that I didn't do this two years ago!"
Torsten Power
Founder & Creative Director
Studio Morfar • Copenhagen, Denmark

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